Wicks - available in various sizes for different diameter candle containers.
Tealight wicks are listed under their own heading.
NEW cotton string wick, 30 ply - great for moulds. Search under cotton string wick
Most wicks. are 15 cm in height, with limited 31 cm wicks for the tall vessels. Varying types as in CDN, ACS, HTP. All ranges of wicks are manufactured by top wick manufacturers.
Varying sizes for different jar diameters. The main difference between ACS and CDN wicks is the core. CDN have a paper core whilst the ACS range are purely cotton throughout. HTP wicks are cotton wicks which feature braided paper fibers to enhance the rigidity of the material. They have a softer burn (which is good for soy) and tend to curl slightly as they burn. They also have the useful property of self-trimming however, it is always good practice to trim them when required.
The sizes on the wicks are manufacturing sizes. The diameter size I put on the label are a guide line only. Own testing is required and very important.
Silver base wick tabs can vary from 3.8 cm to 6.0 cm wick tab
Size and Burn diameter guide. Depending on the manufacturer as to the burn diameter, one size from 1 manufacturer could mean different from another. This is a guide, your own testing is vital.
CDN type
CDN 6- 4.0-4.5 cm N/ A
CDN 7- 4.7 cm - 3.8 cm tab
CDN 10- 5.2 cm
CDN 12 - 5.5 cm 3.8 cm tab - equivalent to ACS size 4
CDN 14- 5.6cm 3.8 cm tab cm tab
CDN 16- 5.9 cm - 3.8 cm tab
CDN 16 A - 7.6-8.0cm, 6 cm tab - not available
CDN 18- 8.0-8.5
CDN 22- 7.5-8.0 cm
CDN 22 (a) 9.0- 9.5 cm
CDN 24 - 7.5 cm
CDN 28- 8 cm
CDN 30- depending on vessel, up to 10 cm
HTP type
HTP 31 - 3.3 cm -3 cm tab
HTP 62- up to 4 cm
HTP 73 - up to 4.4 cm
HTP 83- 3.5-4.6 cm
HTP 93 - 4.5- 4.67 cm 6 cm tab
HTP 104- 4.9-5.0 cm
HTP 105- 5.6 cm equivalent to CDN 12-14cm
HTP 126- 6.6 cm
HTP 136- 6.8 cm
HTP 1212- 7.1 cm
HTP 1312 - 8 cm
HTP XL- up to 10 cm
Pro wicks HTP type 15 cm 3.8 tab
HTP 73- 4.3-4.4 cm
HTP 83 - 4.6-4.6 cm
HTP 93 - 4.7 cm
HTP 104- 4.9-5.0 cm
HTP 105 - 5.6 cm
HTP 126- 6.6 cm
HTP 136- 6.8 cm
HTP 1212 - 7.1 cm
HTP 1312 - 8 cm 6.0 tab
HTP XL 100- up to 9 cm 6.0 tab
ACS type - all 6 cm wick tab
3.5- 5.0-5.5 cm
4.0- 5.5-6.0 cm
4.5- 5.5-6.0 cm
5.0 or 5.5- 5.5- 6.5 cm
6.5- 6.5-7.0cm
7.0- 6.5-8 cm
8.0- 8.0-9 cm
9.0- 9.0-9.5 cm
9.5- 9.5-10cm
9.9- 9.5- 10.5 cm